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Last Updated:
Friday, August 10th. 2001


Dear Friend,

This I write to tell you how much I honor you for being who you are. Reminding you of the precious soul you are -being born into a sacred body made of earth, water, fire, air, either and love.
Your holy temple - a unique spacesuit in time, a magical vehicle to journey through life on this planet.
The perfect tool to realize and fulfill your mission and purpose why you came here.
We do not know for how long mother earth is lending us a form to see and feel and smell and hear and taste her delicious beauty.
Neither how long these hands are given to us to touch the wonder of existence.
Created by the creater to create beauty; to pray, to give and to receive and to form our dreams to come true.
We do not know how long these feet will carry us - step by step on our path; learning to walk in balance and peace through day and night, into valleys and over mountains, on narrow and broad ways, with the flow and being challenged.
How long will our heart beat the rhythm of life in our chest ? How long will our lungs- the wings of our heart - receive new breath of life; and how long will our blood as the water of life circulate in our body nourishing our organs- inner places of transformation- we don´t know...
But what we know and what we really have is this very moment .
And how do we live this moment ?
Do we live it in fear, despair and bitterness - or do we fill it with love, forgiveness and compassion ?
Do we fill this moment with a smile of gratefulness for what life is giving to us with every new breath -
or do we give it away into the future, eaten up by worry of unfulfilled wishes and desires ?
Are we able to breathe in the light - or are we hiding behind dark clouds of anger and blame ?
Are we celebrating this very gift of existence- or are we imprisoning ourselves in resignation and hate ? It is our choice !
Every moment new we have the chance to change. Even when all hope seems gone - there is a spark of light inside which is eternally alive.
If all trust is broken and joy is gone while ice threatens our sore heart - we got the power to change !
To keep on walking even if the way seems lost and to still see a light of hope in total darkness -
That is the challenge and gift we carry as a precious human being.
We are so fragile and so strong; so delicate and endurant, often so lost but somehow guided -
learning to listen more and more to our subtle inner voice of knowing which tells us that we are all on our way home - into the awakening - the indescribable celebration of the light; awareness in love - oneness.
All is in its essence love; spirit, soul, vibrating light energy in constant transformation.
Everything changes; too tight structures break up and dissolve back into pure energy.
All that we are gathering around us and holding on to, will eventually dissolve back into the cycle.
Matter as forms of energy in different densities as well as our bodies will fade to dust and ashes back to earth.
Original life-substance will go back to the source. Mother earth is changing, transforming into higher frequency.
«Time is speeding up » - our perspective of space & time changes at the end of the old and the beginning of the new millennium.
Global major changes; mother earth is in a birthprocess and with her we are being born into a new higher consciousness- if we use this incredible chance to wake up into who we really are. Letting go of the fear and the selfimprisoning mind control games.
Relaxing into beingness and celebrating each moment in awareness. It will be a blessing of indescribable grace.
We are all coming home ! Nothing can stop it - Everything will dissolve back into oneness, - the source. Let go, Relax & Celebrate !
Holding on to the illusion of «safety» around our material goods, bodies and the understanding of the world and «reality» as we have created it with so much bloodshed, will cause indescribable pain and suffering. It is our choice.
The only safety we have is presence in this very moment of life. In this moment we have the chance to remember who we are. Not tomorrow, but in this moment we have access to our inner source of beingness. Inner peace & love. This very moment is a spark of eternity.
All answerers are to be found in the presence of here & now.
You know it already; just stop for this moment and breath deep into relaxation. In this presence there is oneness beyond the mind.
In this oneness there is no separation between us .In this oneness we are connected beyond time & space. From this we come - into this we go.
But really we have never been without this treasure. We just have to remember.
I feel we are here to mirror and to remind each other on this basic truth. We share the same breath and we can help each other when we get lost and feel weak. It is O.K. to get lost. Sometimes we do so to find back on our way strengthened and with more awareness.
It is O.K. to be weak and feel vulnerable; that's where we learn compassion, sensitivity and humbleness. It is O.K. to feel pain and despair; they give us the opportunity to heal our wounded child inside and become whole. The key is to remember the treasure we carry inside...

Pain of the past - future fear; fade away and disappear
Into the moment of now & here
Love is the essence within - she heals all the wounds of the soul there have been
She puts you together and tears you apart - to come closer to the source and sacred heart
Bless all the tears and sorrow - for they are keys to joy and a new tomorrow
Surrender to the highest source inside and all shadows will dissolve into the light

I have been through a lot of pain; loss, despair and fear, wounded heart and betrayed trust. I have been robbed and lied to.
I almost lost my life, several times; lost my blood and was given new blood. Thanks & praise to the one!
The power of prayer & faith made the «impossible» possible- so many times in my life.
Through facing the pain and fears they became sacred teachers blessing me with deeper understanding and compassion.
Greatfulness of being alive. They opened my eyes, bringing me closer to my real self.
Everyday, every moment I have to remember and transform the negative patterns I inherited and got used to.


Every moment; overcoming the negative mind controlling impulses sent out.
It is a constant fight to keep myself alive and alert against the collective sleep and blindness.
But when I stop fighting and relax into the inner source, peace comes and things fall into place!
Everyday I have the chance to bless the shit and make it holy, overcome lovingly negative emotions and healing the wounded little child inside.
Every moment I have the chance to spread the wings of my heart and be fulfilled with radiant love.
From this heart I share my love with you !

Bless you eternally

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